Spider Exterminator

Spider Exterminator

Is there anything that can make your skin shiver more than spotting a spider on your ceiling or hard-to-reach place before bed? Central Valley residents know this feeling all too well. This area crawls with different kinds of arachnids, from Black Widows to Wolf spiders. With over 55 million tons of them on earth, it can be hard to determine which pests are harmful. Are they all worthy of a nightmare? Here is what you need to know about Central Valley's most popular creepy crawlers.


Common House Spider

The common house spider is said to live just about anywhere. They can be found in attics, garages, and gardens and are known to eat other insects like flies and mosquitoes. Although they are usually harmless to humans, they produce pesky webs and can lay up to 400 eggs at a time. Imagine a house filled with 400 or more spiders, yikes. Removing these creatures is important as one or two can quickly grow to hundreds or even thousands. Spiders can also join together to form communities. Colonies can number in the thousands and work together to create communal cobwebs.


Yellow Sac Spiders

The Yellow Sac spider is identified by its color. It lives in small corners, ceilings, cluttered areas, door frames, and almost anywhere outside. They can easily make their way through torn screens, door gaps, and broken vents into your home. Researchers say these bite more than any other species and are often misdiagnosed as Brown Recluse bites. Their bites can cause pain, swelling, redness, and skin lesions. So, if you wake up to some painful bites, a Yellow Sac may be a cause and sign that it's time to get your house checked.


Carolina Wolf Spider

The Carolina Wolf spider prefers flat open spaces. Due to their brown color, they can easily blend into their environment. Porterville area residents, watch out. The Carolina Wolf can be lurking without your knowledge. They are venomous to humans and animals, but the good news is they hunt their prey with incredible speed, not silent attacks. Its bites cause pain, swelling, and itchiness. The Wolf may be one of the most intimidating to look at as its leg span can reach up to 4 inches. Luckily, they aren't considered aggressive, but living with them still puts your family and pets at risk for bites.


Black Widow Spiders

The Black Widow's name strikes fear into the hearts of many. They hide in dark places like basements, attics, and the underside of porches. A bite attacks the nervous system and can cause swelling, pain, burning, and redness. Those who experience a more severe reaction can also have muscle soreness, abdominal pain, weakness, and difficulty breathing.


If you spot a Black Widow or other spiders, insects, and beyond, it's time to call the pros. Alpha Charlie Exterminators is a local veteran-owned business that uses only the best products and technology to help you protect your home. The licensed, highly trained, and experienced professionals can help you navigate pest control problems and return to a bug-free home. Porterville and Fresno area residents can rest assured in Alpha Charlie Exterminators' hands. Contact us today for an estimate or more information about our services.

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