Bed Bug Exterminator

Bed Bug Exterminator

Almost everyone has heard horror stories of someone checking in to a hotel, settling in for the night, and then waking up to find they have been sharing their room with bed bugs. While it’s every traveler’s nightmare to find these creatures in their hotel, it’s even more devastating when the parasites are lurking in your home or business. Bed bugs are very common, but have you ever wondered where they come from and why they are so resilient? 

Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?

Modern bed bugs (also called Cimicosis) belong to a family of parasites called Cimicidae. This pest has proven to be incredibly resilient and able to withstand many different environments for millennia. The oldest members of Cimicidae have existed for more than 115 million years. In slightly more recent history, Pliny’s Natural History publication from 70 AD mentions the bugs and describes potential medical benefits. 

Even though there is a stigma that they are attracted to unclean environments, they can live pretty much anywhere humans do. They are found in hotels, homes, hospitals, public transportation, and everywhere where humans live and sleep.

With how hardy bed bugs are, it may not surprise you that infestations have even been increasing in recent years. Whether the rise in population has been from increased travel, lack of awareness around prevention, or growing resilience to over-the-counter insecticides, it’s important to deal with infestations quickly and efficiently. That’s why we use state-of-the-art techniques to manage your home or business pests.

Where Can Bed Bugs Be Found?

They can appear in many types of places; whether you live in a dorm room or spend your time frequenting five-star hotels, you may run into them. They spend much of the day hiding in dark places and are most active at night when they feed on humans. The best way to prevent an infestation is by making sure no bugs make it home with you.

  • Luggage - Bed bugs have been known to hitch rides in suitcases. This is one reason that they often show up in hotel rooms. The EPA has recommended that travelers keep their suitcases in the bathroom and, when they get home, in a garage or basement.

  • Books And Libraries - While these parasites are most commonly found near where people sleep, libraries have had to deal with them more often than in the past. Before checking out a book, you should check the pages and seams for anyone trying to catch a free ride.

  • Second-Hand Furniture And Clothes - If a piece of clothing or furniture has come from an infected home or business, it may have bed bugs on it. You should inspect anything you buy second-hand. Pay special attention to any seams and under cushions.

They are notoriously hard to deal with because they are resilient to many over-the-counter treatments. They love to hide in dark and difficult-to-see places. Not only does this make bed bugs hard to find, but it makes ridding them more challenging. They can survive for weeks without food, so starving them out isn’t an option if the infestation is in your home.

The experts at Alpha Charlie Exterminators are invaluable for handling bed bugs effectively. When using our services, you can expect excellent care and honest advice. Contact us today for an estimate. We are the top-rated bed bug removal company in Porterville and the surrounding areas.

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